
Friday, January 16, 2015

Filling Up The Creative Tank

Hello Friends!

I've been wanting to post something here to show you that I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. I wanted to tell you that I was making great progress on one of my 2015 home goals. But nothing has even been started, sadly. (I even thought of a couple more things that I forgot to put on the list!) I woke up with a cold on Monday morning that has thrown me, my energy, and my creativity for a loop. I even tried this morning to come up with a Four Things For Friday post....but I didn't even have enough for that!

What is it about January? I find that all I really want to do is wrap up with a blanket and something warm to drink and just TRY to keep warm. I think that all the creativity that I use to make Christmas special just totally zaps my "creativity tank" too.

I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. (Read Sal's post today!)

Maybe January is just meant to be a refueling time. 'Ya think?

One thing that is helping me refuel is the free course that Jeanne Oliver is offering on her site called Becoming | The Unfolding Of You.

This course (and I use that term loosely, because it's really just a video can watch at your convenience, no homework) has been a blessing to me the last two weeks. There will be about 20 ladies sharing over 8 weeks. They each share in a video their story about becoming  their unique self in Christ and then each one also shares a creative project video as well.

Here is a link to what Jeanne herself had to say about Becoming | The Unfolding Of You.

If you are struggling through the month of January like I am, I think it will be such an encouragement to you.....both in your spiritual walk and in your creativity.

Today is the completion of Week Two, but it's not too late to jump right in because, as I said, you can watch whenever you like. There is no cost.(Thank you Jeanne!) You simply have to go to the site and register and then "JOIN" this specific course. It's that easy.

If you are feeling like your tank is a little empty right now, I hope you will take advantage of this wonderful resource!

You can even watch while wrapped up in a blanket, drinking a warm cup of something! Trust me, I know.

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- Jill