
Monday, February 10, 2014

Making Things Special: A Valentine Table

We've never made a big deal out of Valentine's Day, Hubster and me. Sometimes he will bring me flowers, but we've nevery really gotten into giving each other gifts per se. With the kids it has varied. Some years I find little gifts (like maybe a leftover stocking stuffer from Christmas that didn't quite fit in the stocking) or sometimes it's just some candy. But I always try to do something for them to celebrate the day.

For some reason last year, I was feeling a little behind on doing ANYTHING to make the day special. I didn't have any little gifts or anything. I decided to scrounge around in my "stash" to see if I could come up with anything. Surprisingly, I was able to put together a cute table for our dinner with only things I already had. It was nothing me. Kids don't care about fancy anyways. It was simple, but enough to be special.

First off, I cut placements from this cute red and white chevron wrapping paper. I had bought it at Christmas time but never used it. It was perfect for Valentine's Day though.

 Down the middle of the table I used three votive holders. I filled two of them with red carnation blooms from flowers Hubster had given me the day before (so I wouldn't think he forgot).

I used my white plates that you've seen before. They really are great because they go with everything. White plates....they're a good thing!

The red polka dot glasses were a find at a local discount store.

I found some leftover classroom Valentines and used them as little place cards. I also had some Valentine napkins that I got on clearance YEARS ago.

 For dessert I served these cute little frosted hearts that I got at the grocery store bakery that day.

So you see, it was all pretty simple.....but from the heart.  And it made the day special and memorable. It doesn't take much to do that. (And it made it worth keeping all those things that I stashed away and didn't know if I would ever use.)

So do you have anything special planned for your family for Valentine's Day? Or any special traditions that you have? I would LOVE to hear about it!

1 comment:

  1. Love the title of your blog....I'm singing it...."new heights I'm reaching everyday"

    Thanks for sharing all the Valentine's inspiration!

    Happy day to you!


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- Jill