
Friday, February 14, 2014

Four Things For Friday 2.14.14

Happy Valentine's Day!!

It also happens to be Friday, so here we go!

I have to confess that as I was thinking about what I wanted to share today, the things in my mind starting going pretty negative.....I have a cold, Hubster is leaving on a business trip out of the country, I have a lot on my plate this weekend. You see where this was headed. Instead of a Valentine's Celebration, this was turning into a pity party for me!

(If you'd like to read about last Valentine's Day when I was feeling a bit more Valentiney, you can click HERE.)
So in an effort to "turn this frown up-side-down" and get my head in a better place, here is my reworked Four Things.....

1.) I am so thankful for people who have the gift of helping! Our family is often finding itself in the need of help and I am just grateful for family and friends who lovingly come alongside us to give us a hand.

2.) Next year our oldest son will be heading to high school. This coming week we will already be choosing and scheduling courses. Although it makes me feel a bit old, I am excited for this new adventure in his life and the opportunity for him to explore new subjects that hopefully set him up for a career that will give him satisfaction and provide for his needs in the future. It's an exciting time.

3.) We're already starting to plan our vacation this Summer! Yeah! We will be heading to the beach in North Carolina in June along with my parents and my sister and her family. We've spent many vacations there together in the past, but because of finances, kids growing up (or NOT, in our case), work schedules, etc. we haven't all gone for a few years. We are all looking forward to it.

4.) On this "Day of Love" I hope that you will remember most how much God loves you and how much He deserves our love and devotion in return.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend spending time with the ones you love!

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- Jill