
Friday, December 20, 2013

Four Things For Friday 12.20.13

Happy Friday!!

I guess this willl kind of be a "Four Things" Christmas Edition.

1.)  Today is my kid's last day of school. Also known as "the day they get to watch movies and eat snacks all day." And it still counts as a school day. Yay! They were excited to head out the door today.

2.) Forgive me while I have a bragging Mom moment. My son received straight A's for the first grading period at school. He was selected by the Cleveland Cavaliers to receive two tickets to a game in their "Straight A Superstars" program. He and Hubster will be going to tonight's game. I'm so excited for him since he's never been.

3.) Yesterday I went grocery shopping. And I'm hoping I don't have to set foot in there again until after Christmas. It wasn't actually that busy yesterday, which was nice. I just really hope that there are no emergency runs to the store for anything I forgot between now and Christmas because all the people who didn't plan ahead will be there this weekend.

4.) Today is the day that I began tackling all the gift wrapping that needs to be done. I've already spent part of this morning sorting everything out. Are you like me and make sure that everything is very even between your kids? I try to spend as close as I can for each child. The funny thing is, if I told my kids "I spent $X on you, $XX on you, and $XXX on you," they wouldn't care. But if they don't have the same number of gifts to open, somebody will probably say something. (And it would probably be my son who is a natural born bean counter. Ha!)

This will most likely be my last blog post until after Christmas. I have SO enjoyed sharing this season with you all. Thank you for stopping by and showing interest in the little things I have to share. I hope you have enjoyed hearing about my family's Christmas traditions as much as I have enjoyed sharing them. 

Please join me again after Christmas. I have one more Peace On Earth Recipe to share next week (you can find the other recipes HERE. ) And I'm sure there will be Christmas stories to tell. Plus we have a New Year to get ready for!


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- Jill