
Friday, December 13, 2013

Four Things For Friday 12.13.13

Happy Friday and welcome to this week's edition of Four Things For Friday!

 1.)  As of today, I should be officially done with my Christmas shopping (YEAH!) with the exception of a couple gift cards I plan to pick up early next week. The wrapping will also commence next week.

2.)  This weekend starts off our Christmas social season. We have a party on Saturday night, as well as two next week. I have to admit I'm kind of excited. I mean, it's not very often that I get to have three dates with the Hubster in one month! I'm ready to have some fun! (And I'm trying very hard to ignore the tingling sensation in my sinuses and little ache in my neck. Zinc and Airborne! I will not get sick! I will not get sick! Did you hear me? I. WILL. NOT. GET. SICK!)

3.) Yesterday, my kids school unexpectedly released early due to a minor emergency. Every parent or guardian had to be called to see if their child could be sent home early on the bus or would be picked up by the parent. What an undertaking! I'm sure a lot of decisions had to be made very quickly. Overall, I was impressed with how well it was all handled. And the kids were excited to come home early!

4.) I was excited to make some New Year's Eve plans yesterday with some dear friends. It's yet ANOTHER tradition in our family. I'll share more details when it gets closer.

One more thing....

The following photo is in memory of the six little Veggies who tragically lost their lives this past weekend by flushing. (Yes, things like that still happen in "our world.")

We were all....well, most of us....shocked by their untimely death and we will miss these little Veggie Nativity troupe members. Their little smiles brought joy to us for many Christmases. Rest in peace little Veggies.

Junior Asparagus Shepherd,  French Pea Sheep, Jimmy Gourd (who, I must say very humbly played the part of the backside of a cow) and Larry, Grandpa Grape, and Mr. Lunt, the Wise Men (who don't do anything)....we will miss you all!

Have a great weekend everybody!

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- Jill