
Monday, November 11, 2013

The Weekend Wrap-Up

I hope everyone had a good weekend!

Ours was great. Crazy-busy, but in a good way.

On Friday evening we celebrated this girly's "Gotcha Day." Twelve years she's been with us. She's growing up, but independence sure is a hard struggle. So I cherish moments like this, when she wanted to help cook. She pretty much made salad I told you I was going to make. I only provided a little guidance. I was very proud of her!

Saturday, I worked to get the house cleaned up for this guys birthday party. Fourteen years old! Time sure flies. He is the first born of my heart (not our oldest, but the first that was ours.) and he can still make this Mama's heart melt.

And the boy LOVES a party! We ate pizza, cake, and ice cream and he opened presents. Fun times!

Notice the cake? Yep, I'm ones of those moms. The ones that buy their kids cake instead of making it.

I think it all started with this guys very first birthday. He was our first child and the first party had a lot of guests. I decided that it would be easier to buy a cake for that many people than to make it. From then on the kids loved picking out what kind of cake and what characters they wanted on it. It's become OUR tradition.

Yesterday was church and Second Sunday lunch at my parents. It was good to be back there. My sister and I have hosted the last couple months because my Mom had knee replacement surgery. Even the kids said it was good for everything to be "back to normal" again.

I hope you will come back the rest of the week as I will be sharing some things to help us think about and prepare for Thanksgiving.

Tomorrow I will be sharing our family's Thanksgiving traditions and linking up to Sal's linky party at Drinking From My Saucer. Won't you join us?

Today's Thankfulness....

* For God allowing our daughter to be part of our family and the twelve years that  she has been with us.

* For God bringing our son through another year.

* For healing for my Mom after knee replacement surgery.

* For our loving family who supports us and celebrates with us.

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- Jill