
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Thanksgiving Table

I'm not hosting Thanksgiving this year. But I couldn't resist the temptation to put together some ideas for a pretty Thanksgiving table. One of the things I love doing when I do host is setting the table.

I didn't buy anything new for this table. I put it together with things I already had and gathered from around the house.

I only have two of the black and white dinner plates. So I did a little mixing and matching with the place settings.

I used little leaf tags (found at the Target Dollar Spot last year) tied to faux pumpkins to create place cards.

Our chalkboard makes a nice back drop, don't you think?

I used an Autumn wreath I've had for years around a hurricane and added some houndstooth ribbon for the centerpiece.

If you are welcoming guests this year, I hope my table gives you a little inspiration.

If you'd like, you can read about our Family's Thanksgiving traditions HERE.

Today's Thankfulness....

* For the beautiful snow fall we had yesterday.

* For my cozy, warm house.

* For a day to just putter around the house.

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- Jill