
Monday, October 14, 2013

The Monday Morning Blues

Happy Monday Everybody! I hope you all had a great weekend.

Our Monday morning didn't start out too happy. Nobody wanted to get out of their nice warm beds. Can't blame 'em really. Too-green bananas and favorite pants that have grown too short threatened the delicate balance we have around here every morning. Tears were shed. I may or may not have been one of those shedding them.

What a way to start the week, huh?

I think it is inevitable that there are going to be days when kids get on the bus unhappy or with a few tears....well, at least in our family. Please tell me it happens in yours too! It is one of the most heartbreaking things to me as a parent.

So what do you do? 

We pray.

Early on, my husband began praying with each of our children individually before they leave for school. And when he is not here because of travel I try to do it too.

We pray for their safety....that they would do their best....that they would be kind to their friends and respectful to their teachers....that others would see the light of Jesus in them. And that on days like today, that the Lord would calm their spirit and they would be able to move on with their day.

And Dad or Mom taking that minute just for them goes a long way too. That minute together spent in prayer can really turn the morning around. It did today.

I went searching for a great quote or something about prayer to add to this post and I actually found a great bonus.


I love this!

Landee, at the blog landeelu, has shared this great quote as a downloadable print. How cool is that?  I love how she framed it for her home as a reminder to herself and her family. I may follow suit. You should check it out and also read why this quote is important to her. It looks like she has a great blog. I am definitely going to look around some more.

I hope your Monday is a happy one!

Prayer. It's a good thing.

Today's Thankfulness....

* For a weekend that was mostly chillin' at home.

* For a great message from the life of Joseph from our Pastor yesterday.

* For fun with family on "Second Sunday."

* For the resilience of children.....that they can bounce back after a rough morning.

* For the privilege of prayer.

One more thing....I realize that my blog header has made a disappearance. I don't know what is going on, and it's kind of frustrating to me, but I wanted you to know that I'm working on trying to make everything pretty again.

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- Jill