
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Keepin' It Real

If you've come here today looking for a post about a beautifully cleaned's not happening today.

Today there will be no "pinnable" photographs.....not even any unsuitable for pinning ones.

I thought about not even writing today at all, but I decided that I would just be honest.

As I write this, it's still only 7:30am, and it's already been a rough day in our house. 

I always want to be careful of protecting my children's privacy. So let's just say that it involved a pretty big, screaming-at-the-top-of-your-lungs tantrum, the possible re-injury of a knee that was hurt back in the Summer, and me sending said child on the bus to school anyways.

Nope, there won't be any Mother Of The Year award coming my way any time soon. (But in my defense I'm still not sure if it was a real injury or just for drama sake.)

This is the kind of stuff that happens at our house. We have three children with special needs. 

No, I'm not trying to play the special needs sympathy card. And I'm not looking for a pat on the back. This is the life we chose and we are blessed beyond measure. But I don't want anyone to ever think that things are all sunshine and roses at our house....because they are not. And I just want to be honest.

Amazingly, when I sat down to do this post, what came to my mind were the verses in Psalm 121:1-2.

 I lift up my eyes to the hills-- where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Wow! Did you get that? 
The Maker of the Universe is there to help ME! Even on tough mornings like today's.
All I have to do is LOOK UP.
And whatever situation you find Yourself in.....He's there to help you too.
That gives me great comfort today and I hope it does you too.

I will continue working on my mud room closets today, but it is slower-going than I thought it would be. But I'll get there and I promise I will share the "afters" with you when I'm done.

Today's Thankfulness....

* For Scripture that I learned as a child coming back to my mind this morning.

* For the help that comes from the Lord.

* For my usually-sweet children.

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- Jill