
Monday, October 7, 2013

A Story About A Table

Here's the story....of a lovely table....that was sitting in a store for three whole months....

C'mon, sing a long with me. You know you want to!

Okay, okay...I know it's Monday morning so I'll cut you a little slack on the singing and just get to the story.

Back in the Spring, I discovered a used furniture consignment shop practically around the corner from where I live. What a find! This place is PACKED with everything from dining sets to bedroom furniture, desks, hutches, and upholstered furniture. I started frequenting the store every couple weeks because I was on the hunt for a new (to me) coffee table. As usual, I had it set in my mind exactly what I was looking for....round with a pedestal base. Because the store seemed to have a decent turnover in furniture I hoped that someday that table I was looking for would magically appear.

And one Summer day, it did!

The thing about this consignment store is that they have an interesting pricing system. Each piece has a price tag with four dates and four prices on it. After about four weeks, the price of the piece begins to drop....and continues to do so until over time it reaches the lowest price on the tag.

And as usually is my luck, the table was new to the store and was still at it's highest price. If I wanted to try and get it for the lowest price, I was going to have to take a gamble and wait it out for about 12 weeks. <sigh>  I am SO not good at waiting. But the original price on the tag was just too much for me to pay.

So I waited [impatiently]. And I went and visited MY table every couple weeks to see if it was still there. And each time, surprisingly, it was!

This weekend the time finally came for the table to be down to the lowest price. I was sure that somebody else was watching the price and was going to snatch that table right out from under my nose on the last day.

My daughter and I hurried out yesterday to the store. She had been with me for one of my table visitations. On the way there I warned her that it may not be there still. I think I was talking more to myself.

We entered the store and didn't bother taking our time to look around. We made a bee line to where the table had been. And there it was!

I checked it out more carefully and found that it is VERY heavy and VERY sturdy.

I payed for it, they put it in my van, and we were out of there before someone else could run in and claim visitation rights.

I did have a plan to paint the table. Because she does have a past.

But now that I have her home, I'm not so sure. I think I'm going to live with her for a while before I decide.

And since my mantra is "Leave no surface unstyled," I couldn't resist arranging a couple things on top while I take my time making a decicion.

So I would love to hear what you think. Paint or no paint?

Monday's thankfulness.....

* For 13 years that our son has been a part of our family and a fun time celebrating together.

* For a great time of worship yesterday and focusing on the faithfulness of God.


* For the table still being in the store.

Make it a great day, everybody!

1 comment:

  1. OH YAY!!!! I'm so glad it was still there! Love it. I would definitely wait to paint it. Sometimes the history makes it more interesting than paint would. I still haven't painted my bench -- although I DO plan to. But, in the meantime, it is serving the role it was meant for. Perhaps in the spring.

    So happy for your deal!


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- Jill