
Friday, September 27, 2013

Four Things For Friday

1.) Today at Drinking From My Saucer, Sal (yes, we call her Sal around here!) is talking about being thankful all year round. She's set out a challenge, especially to us bloggers, to share a couple things every day that we're grateful for. Why not start now before the season even gets underway?

2.) And speaking of being thankful....Last evening the Hubster and I went for a 20-minute walk in our neighborhood. By ourselves. Seriously, you have no idea how huge this is! Our kids are 13, 13 1/2, and 14 1/2 (when they're that close in age halves are important), but because of their special needs, we hadn't attempted to leave them at home alone yet. So this was a BIG deal. Hubster and I got a few minutes alone to talk...without being interrupted. And everyone survived. And I don't even think any arguing broke out while we were gone. Baby steps.

3.) This is either going to be a very exciting or very disappointing weekend. You see, our team is in contention for the American League wild card. It will be coming down to the very last game of the season on Sunday. We are big fans. Especially our oldest. So we will be paying close attention to these last three games.


4.) Right now I should be feverishly packing for our annual weekend away with Hubster's family. We have a pretty longstanding tradition of spending a weekend together at a camp about an hour away from home. Camp fires, hiking, games, cousins, and's a lot of fun!
Lots of memories have been made over the years!


Okay, I'm off to pack!
I hope you all have a great weekend too....wherever God's plans take you!

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- Jill