
Friday, September 20, 2013

A Stroll Down Memory Lane

Recently, the Hubster has been working on cleaning out our basement. A couple weeks ago he unearthed my collection of Country Decorating Ideas and Country Almanac magazines. Do any of you remember those?

I confess, back in the 90's I was all about the country style. We were newly married and money was even tighter than it is now. It was a big splurge to buy a magazine (at a whopping $3.50!), but I would just pour over the pages dreaming of how we (and by "we" I mean "I") could transform our new home.

So I know Hubster was wanting me to toss the whole pile, but I told him I wanted to look through them first. I'm sure in his mind he was rolling his eyes at me. But I had spent so much time dreaming about the homes in these magazines that they were like old friends!

So I looked. And I laughed.

I guess it WAS a little over the top back in the 90's.


Birdhouses, Baskets, and Bears...Oh My!

No kidding!

I have a decent collection of salt-gazed pottery thanks to this photo. It got packed away earlier this year, but I still love it.

I had to laugh at this industrial stool which is so popular these days....lovingly stenciled with bows and flowers. OY!!

And look, even back then people were updating their kitchens on a budget by painting the cabinets themselves. Some things never change.

Yes, I laughed a bit. But I also realized something. My decorating taste and style have definitely evolved over the years, but I learned a lot even then about making your home your own, about styling your room, about collecting things from these magazines.

My style now still includes some more refined country mixed in with a few other styles as well. So I still found some things I liked.

This kitchen was always one of my favorite rooms. Minus the Raggedy Ann dolls. Although I did have a Raggedy Ann bedroom when I was in grade school.

And I always loved this bedroom.

In the end, I think I will be putting all the magazines in the recycling bin. But it was good to take a little stroll down memory lane and see where I came from and how it's contributed to making our home what it is today.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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- Jill