
Thursday, August 22, 2013

What's This All About?


If you've stumbled upon this blog, you're just in time! 

"For what?" you may ask. 

For my very FIRST post!

So now maybe you're asking, "What's this all about, this 'Still Keeping On The Narrow Way' blog thingy?" (Yes, "thingy" is a word. At least in my world it is!)

Welllllll.....Let me start by telling you a little bit about myself. I am a wife and mother of three kids. All three of our children came to us through foreign adoption and have special needs. Plus, we have a dog who is the biggest "Mama's boy" ever! So things around our place can get pretty crazy.

Also, since I was young, I've loved houses and home decor. But now that I've grown up and have my own family and home, it's become more about making a comfortable, secure home for my family as well as a welcoming place for friends and family. Sure, I still want to have a home that looks nice, but it is more about the feeling you get when you're there.

I love simple projects and touches that make my home feel special. I love decorating to celebrate the seasons. I love creating memories for my children.

So, I guess this is what you can expect here. Posts about family and making home special.

I read recently that if you write a blog, you have to be an expert at something. Well, I am NOT an expert at marriage, or parenting, or organization, or decorating, or DIY, or crafts. (You get the picture) But, I AM good at trying.

Since, I'm no expert, my real hope that this blog will be a conversation....where I share a little and you share a little too.

The subtitle of Still Keeping On The Narrow Way is

 Living - Loving - Laughing - Learning - Dreaming - Daring - Doing

I hope to do all of that along the way.


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- Jill