
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Favorite Bloggers, Part 3

It's been a long time since I shared one of my favorite bloggers with you. I think I'm a little overdue!

If you've been around the DIY/Home Décor blog world for a while, you probably already know her. But if not, I'd like to introduce you to KariAnne who blogs at Thistlewood Farms.

KariAnne is a red lipstick wearin', dangle-y earring-lovin', sweet tea-drinkin' girl from Kentucky. She and her family moved from an urban area out to the country and lovingly renovated and restored their home at Thistlewood Farm.

 The first thing that will strike you when you visit her blog are the stunning photos of her beautiful home.

You'll stick around looking at the many creative projects KariAnne has shared.
But trust me on this's the stories that will keep you coming this sweet one that is one of my favorites.
And the laughter. There is definitely lots of laughter.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

What Season Is YOUR House?

Do you remember back in the day when you could have your "colors done?" I was kind of young at the time, but what I remember is that some supposed color expert would tell you what "season" you were based on your skin tone, hair and eye color, and personal color preferences. Based on what season you were, they would then recommend what color clothes, makeup, and even accessories would look best on you.

I've been itching for a change around here again. Looking around the other day I realized that Summer is not really my house's season. Not that I'm really ready for Fall, but my house definitely shines in the colors of Autumn. (With Winter coming in a close second.) With it's oak woodwork and floors, stone hearth, and the warmer paint tones, it's naturally going to look it's best in the warmer colors of that season.

(Old camera photos ahead. Consider yourself warned!)


If your home is painted in cooler shades with crisp, white trim, it probably looks it's best and most natural in Spring or Summer.

All this business of seasons doesn't keep me from changing up my decor for Spring or Summer, but since my home looks it's best in the Autumn, I think I feel more comfortable in my home then too.



Have you ever thought about what season your house is? Does it affect the way you decorate or accessorize? Does it make a difference in how comfortable you feel in your home?

Have you ever had YOUR colors done?

Monday, July 21, 2014

A Road Trip To IKEA And A Playroom Update

Happy Monday Everyone! I hope you had a great weekend.

On Saturday, I got to do something I had been looking forward to for a while. I headed off on a road trip to IKEA with all my favorite girls. It was a Ladies Day, Road Trip, IKEA-Shopping Extravaganza!! Our traveling party included me, my daughter, Sal (an IKEA first-timer), my niece, and my Mom.

We woke up to rain on Saturday morning. BUMMER. But we didn't let that dampen our spirits. Oh no....we forged on!

(See that sky? That's what is was like. All. Day.)


It's been a long time since I had been to IKEA on a Saturday. It was BUS-Y!

Since the closest store is two hours away, I always try to think ahead, make a plan, and use the trip wisely, so to speak, since I don't know when I'll be back again.

As you know, I've been thinking a lot about our "playroom" and have been gathering inspiration.

So I picked up some Kallax shelving.

And I also picked up this rug. I think it will add a fun bit of color to the room. It was a good deal too. It's over 4x6 ft. and with my IKEA Family card I got it for 14.99! Rugs can be expensive, so I was a happy camper.

I got a few small things too.

I bought a couple more of these sea grass placemats. I have two already, but I wanted to be able to do a whole table setting using them.
The black and white striped plate caught my attention.
Those little metal planters are only .99. I had one, but was wanting another....for symmetry. I have a thing about symmetry. Ha!
I love the cork hot pads. They're great in the kitchen, obviously, but I find myself using them to raise objects up in different vignettes I do. So sometimes I run out of them in the kitchen!
And lastly, I thought this black and white geometrical print pillow was really cute. Another good deal at only 5.99.
It was a good day. We girls always have so much fun together....lots of talking and laughing. I love them all so much and it was great to spend the day with them.
So now I have a little start on the playroom. I want to paint and I figure I probably shouldn't put the shelves together until after the painting is done. Less to move, 'ya know? But our calendar is looking pretty full over the next few weeks, so I have no idea when that will get done. All in good time, I guess.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Purple Daisies

I purchased this beautiful bunch of purple daisies to put on the table at a little "cookie reception" we had last night at church following a send-off for our Summer missions team. I couldn't resist taking a few photos.

There were a couple little blooms and so I put them in my sweet new vase!

I love taking pictures of flowers. And I love having fresh flowers in my home.


I hope you enjoyed this pretty bit of sunshine today!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Summer List Update

Today I thought I would give you a little update on how we are progressing with our Summer List. (If you don't know what our Summer List is, you can read all about it HERE.)

As you can see, we're making some progress and have already checked off about a third of our ideas. In hindsight, I wish I would've been more conscious of taking pictures of everything we did. I will have to remember that for next year.

Even though we haven't checked off the library, we have been a couple times. And my daughter has already had her turn cooking. This past weekend we killed two birds with one stone, so to speak, and celebrated our daughter's birthday by getting doughnuts at Dunkin' Donuts for our Saturday morning breakfast.

If you read my original post, I talked about being intentional. I've am reminded every year when we do this that it takes more than making a list to be intentional. It takes thought and action. It would be easy for Hubster and me to get to the weekend and just take it easy and relax or busy ourselves with so much that needs to be done around the house. It takes planning and sometimes even reconsidering priorities!
And now in the interest of full disclosure....
As far as the goals I told you that we made for each of our children.....that plan is not going as well as I would have liked. Let's be honest, not too many kids want to spend the Summer working on their Math skills. It takes a lot of motivation from Mom and honestly, that's probably why we aren't making as much progress. On a positive note though, two of the kids have been listening to audiobooks (a wonderful thing for kids with learning issues) and have gotten very interested in a new (to them) series of books. So it hasn't been a total loss. I just think we will have to rethink this for next year and maybe come up with a better plan. We may have bit off a little more than they can least for our kids.
So how about you?  Did you make any goals for yourself or your family? Are you making any progress?

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Weekend Treasures: Family And Finds

I hope you all had a great holiday weekend!

On Friday, we spent the afternoon picnic-ing with Hubster's family. It was a GORGEOUS day filled with family, fun, and laughter. Throw in good food, corn hole, volleyball, and celebrating a birthday and it was a perfect day!

In the evening we headed to a band concert and fireworks with my parents. This is something we have done for years....since before we had kids....and it is always fun. We didn't go last year because of bad weather, sickness, and work schedules so we were happy to get back to our tradition (although we missed Sal and her family!) I love patriotic music and again, the weather was perfect, and the fireworks were spectacular!


I got a chance on Saturday to sneak out and do a little treasure hunting. I went to my favorite Goodwill Store. Okay, it is the only Goodwill I go to, but I often find great stuff.

I found this sweet jar. I don't think it is old, but I just loved the shape. Can you see the oak leaf and acorn motif around the handles? So pretty.

I also found this cute little ironstone creamer.

And this sweet little thing.

I challenged Hubster to see if he knew what it was. "No, it's not for sprinkling cheese on your pasta!"
But you all know what it is, right? A little vase with a "frog" top? I don't think he believed he Googled it. He was convinced that FROG must stand for something. Silly guy.
Then there were these pretty transferware teacups. They are English and their manor house and carriage design reminded me of Downton Abbey.
You might remember that I have a thing for teacups....and Goodwill.

I also found an ironstone tureen and a platter, but I didn't get good  pictures of them. It was definitely a good treasure-hunting day! Since I like changing things around a lot, I love when I can find pretty things I like at a good price.
Have you found any good treasures lately?

Thursday, July 3, 2014

An Easy, Last-Minute 4th Of July Centerpiece

We made it back from our vacation after a REALLY long drive home. We had a great week though. Good weather, lots of swimming, beach walks, playing games....we even completed a large jigsaw puzzle.

The only photos I have to prove we were on vacation are two of us eating lunch at Ben & Jerry's. Yes, LUNCH! We were on vacation after all. I just didn't think much about taking photos all week. I was just relaxing. I know....bad blogger....and bad Mom. Oh well!

I've been trying to post here all week. I wanted to come up with some kind of decorating for the 4th of July. The inspiration just didn't come though.

So here's what I did instead....

* unpacked

* took my daughter to a doctor's appointment

* watched the US play in the World Cup

* tried to eat a little healthier

* made up a new recipe

* took my daughter to the library

And today, I

* ate my lunch out on the deck and watched my son play in the yard.

While I was outside I noticed that our hydrangea bush WAY back near the back of our lot was in full bloom. I ran in and got some scissors and went back and cut a few flowers to take inside.

As I cut the blooms and arranged them in my white pitcher, the inspiration came. Here's what I ended up with.

So the moral of the story can't force inspiration. Not even for a blog post.
But if you are having a get-together tomorrow and still need a little decoration for your table, it's not too late to pull something together. Just use what you have.Find some flowers (or weeds) from your yard or grocery store, gather any red, white, or blue container and extras you may have and.....voila! Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

I hope you have a terrific holiday weekend! Be safe! And don't forget to take some time to think about what a blessing it is to live in a free country. Freedom isn't free. It has come through the sacrifice and service of many. Let's be thankful!